An honest assessment of the pros and cons of long-term travel From living in Poland and India for a couple months to more than 10 months of world-looping, I’ve learned…Read More
Croatia: Cities on the Coast
3 CommentsCroatian cities hold quite a lot of appeal for tourists: they’ve got airports, buses zip between them, people speak English, there are tons of bars and restaurants, and some of…Read More
Thoughts on Budapest
1 CommentWe’d heard that Budapeshhhht was the “Paris of the East” and was a wonderland of architecture and culture. “Ok.” We thought. “Why not spend 5 days there and get to…Read More
Vietnam: Phu Quoc
Leave a CommentThis island off the coast of Cambodia was a perfect introduction to Vietnam for us. The small town of Duong Dong had a lively night market, tons of great places…Read More
Thailand: Khon Kaen and Back to Bangkok
Leave a CommentTo treat ourselves (and get a much needed good night’s sleep without the added soundtrack of other people’s farts), we checked into one of the ritziest hotels Khon Kaen could provide:…Read More