“Shaaaabu shabu… shaaabu shabu!” Hiroko said, carefully turning over the thinly sliced piece of beef in the hot pot. She held up the finished product, dripping with fat and juice,…Read More
Naoko in Kyoto
1 CommentI’ve been struggling with this post for a while. How do I sum up what we saw and how I felt? How can I put into words the taste of…Read More
Japan: Tokyo!!
Leave a CommentI booked us into the APA Hotel, a pricey venture but necessary as everything else seemed to be sold out. The hotel was right in the middle of Shinjuku: a…Read More
Hong Kong Day 4
3 CommentsTo kill some time in the morning before meeting up with Andy and Venus again, Jackson and I went to the “Hong Kong Museum of History”. I found this title…Read More
Hong Kong: Day 3
Leave a CommentJackson and Andy have known each other since they were boys in New Zealand. Andy and his girlfriend, Venus, came to our wedding a few years ago and were one…Read More
Hong Kong: Day 1-2
Leave a CommentHong Kong has always been portrayed in my subconscious as this ethereal place full of opium, red lights and dumplings; it was the port that pirates used alongside British businessmen;…Read More