We weren’t sure where to head next: Sinharaja National Reserve or Udawalawe National Park? Turns out Sinharaja Forest was a real winner. Our goal was to head south and make…Read More
2 Days in Ella
2 CommentsThere are a lot of points of interest to visit in Ella Sri Lanka and 2 days in Ella can give a visitor plenty of stuff to go see. If…Read More
Sri Lanka: Day 3 in Sigiriya
Leave a CommentWe decided to leave Kandy and set out for Dambulla in order to catch a bus or tuk-tuk to Sigiriya. (If you followed that: A+! Your knowledge of Sri Lankan…Read More
Adelaide Camera Roll – January 17th – 19th
Leave a CommentAdvance warning: This camera roll contains mild pasty white butt nudity. Proceed as you wish.
Milford Trek: Day 4
Leave a CommentMr. Magoo, the absent-minded professor, shared our room on the final night. Muttering to himself, he rose at 5:20am and began to shuffle and crumple everything he owned. He opened…Read More
Milford Trek: Day 3
4 CommentsThere are probably 100 sayings out there to describe how going through something that doesn’t kill you will make you stronger. That theory was tested (and then some) on Day…Read More